How To Make Extra Money In The Military Reddit
Are there ways of making side money while in the military? Are you allowed to have a side business?
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level 1
If you have the time for a second job while serving, you have the time to go to school. Go to school instead, especially when it's essentially free. Invest in your future and education.
level 2
This is not ALWAYS the case.
level 1
Yes but it depends on what you have in mind. I have a friend who makes furniture etc from plane parts, and another who writes children's books. Both are Active duty.
level 2
Furniture from plane parts sounds really cool. Have a link to an Etsy or something?
level 2
u/dimsdale53 came to mind as furniture from plane parts. His work is amazing!
level 1
There are lots of ways. I have even seen some people do things like deliver pizzas or work a part time job on their off time. Just depends on how steady your hours are and there is paperwork that legal needs afaik.
level 1
In the army, by regulation, you must be approved by your commander to have a second job.
That said, I don't know why anyone would deny you as long as you're meeting or exceeding the standards for your military occupation.
level 1
There's a guy in our neighborhood that mows lawns! We live in a hot area and even during the winter it needs to be mowed about once a month. In the summer( which is like a good 8 months out of the year), it's more like every week at the least so I'm sure he gets a lot of business. And if you get your neighbor to sign up he gives you a $5 discount every time.
level 1
Buy a quadplex with your VA loan
level 2
I'm a mortgage banker with USAA, you can't buy a quad or a triplex with a VA loan. What you can do is put 0% down for a duplex. Live at base and rent out both units. But you must live in that property for 90 days minimum. VA loans are only for primary residences and they send out an official to check within 90 days to make sure you're living there.
TL:DR No quad on VA loan. Buy a Duplex and live in it for 3 months.
level 2
Explain yourself, I am intrigued.
level 1
Just chiming in to encourage use of free education and vocational training - not as much in your pocket today, but a lot more in your pocket over time.
level 1
Surrogacy-- I'd opt for gestational
level 1
Plenty of ways. I know people that make furniture, motivational speakers, authors, djs, photographers, and more.
level 1
A friend of mine got his real estate license and works as a realtor in San Diego on the side. He makes great money doing that in addition to his military pay.
level 2
Hey, want to be a realtor myself. Can I pm you or your friend for advice?
How To Make Extra Money In The Military Reddit
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